Teach-back videos for use in face-to-face training

The following videos were used in the online learning module.
They can also be used in face-to-face education sessions.

Suggestions are offered on potential trigger questions you could use to facilitate discussion about teach-back.

Video 1 | Consumer experiences

Trigger Questions

  1. What are the main issues described by these consumers?
  2. How frequently might this occur?
  3. Would you know if this was the case with your clients?

Video 2 | Checking understanding

Trigger Questions

  1. What is happening here?
  2. How did teach-back help the dietitian?
  3. What would you do from here?

Video 3 | Benefits of teach-back

Trigger Questions

  1. What are some of the benefits described by these healthcare workers?
  2. Have you used teach-back?
  3. What have been the benefits of using teach-back in your role?

Video 4a | KISS (Keep it Simple for Safety)

Trigger Questions

  1. What are the phrase or words that the Occupational Therapist uses that might be considered as medical jargon?
  2. How would you explain this, keeping in mind KISS (Keep it Simple for Safety)?

Video 4b | KISS (Keep it Simple for Safety)

This is the Occupational Therapist explaining according to KISS.

Video 5a | How do you ask questions?

Trigger Questions

  1. Thinking about using open-ended, non-shaming questions, what could this nurse do better?
  2. How would you ask these questions?

Video 5b | How do you ask questions?

This video demonstrates how to ask questions in a positive way.

Video 6a | How People Learn

Trigger Questions

  1. What did the health professional do well?
  2. What could she do better?
  3. How could you identify someone’s preferred learning style?

Video 6b | How people learn

In this video the dietitian identifies how her patient likes to learn and draws on that for her education session.

Video 7a | Clarify, re-check and re-clarify

In this video the doctor explains to the patient what he needs to do. He realises that the patient didn’t understand him.

Trigger Question

  1. What should the doctor do next?

Video 7b | Clarify, re-check and re-clarify

Video 7c | Clarify, re-check and re-clarify

Trigger Questions

  1. Which is the best approach and why?
  2. How would you ask the patient to explain things back to you?
  3. What could the doctor do if he had lots of information to give to the patient?

Video 8a | Chunk and Check

Video 8b | Chunk and Check

Trigger Questions

  1. In which video does the administration officer demonstrate Chunk and Check?
  2. What sort of situations could you use Chunk and Check in your current role?

Video 9 | Key elements of teach-back

Download the checklist below and identify what key elements of effective teach-back you observed.

Teach-back checklist

Video 10 | Using professional interpreters with teach-back

Thanks to all who gave up time to participate in our video production days, both in front of and behind the camera, including the following:

Grant Stevenson
Grant StevensonConsumer Representative
Godfrey Ross
Godfrey RossConsumer Representative
Sue Rawlinson
Sue RawlinsonConsumer Representative
Kate Steggles
Kate StegglesDietitian, Prince of Wales Hospital
Dr Daniel Khamoudes
Dr Daniel KhamoudesStaff Specialist, Prince of Wales Hospital
Whitney Harris
Whitney HarrisPhysiotherapist, Prince of Wales Hospital
Rika Millen
Rika MillenOccupational Therapist, Prince of Wales Hospital
Andrew Murray
Andrew MurrayClinical Nurse Consultant, Prince of Wales Hospital
Rosemarie Gacosta
Rosemarie GacostaRepresentative, Prince of Wales Hospital Volunteer Service
Karin Vogel
Karin VogelOccupational Therapist, Prince of Wales Hospital
Rose McMeel
Rose McMeelRegistered Nurse, Prince of Wales Hospital
Karina Haaksma
Karina Haaksma Dietitian, Prince of Wales Hospital
Xiao Meng Chen
Xiao Meng ChenMulticultural Health Officer, St George Hospital
Grazyna Jastrzab
Grazyna Jastrzab Clinical Nurse Manager, Pain Department. Prince of Wales Hospital